RCIA instructors wash the feet of candidates
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA, is the process by which adults join the Catholic Church. This ‘process’ is a spiritual journey comprised of learning about the Bible, what scripture is telling us; learning about the beliefs of the Catholic Church; and most important of all, learning about ourselves, as we develop a closer relationship with God.
Saints Cyril and Methodius welcomes and invites those who have never been baptized, those who were baptized in another church, and those who were baptized but not catechized to join us in the RCIA spiritual journey. Many persons in the congregation today have come to become Catholic through this process, and many more are eligible.
Each year, the classes are custom-made to fit the needs of the participants, including the books used and time and place to meet. The study group meets weekly throughout the church calendar year. The leaders are both ‘cradle Catholics’ and ‘converts’ who are experienced in adult learning. They haven’t forgotten how hesitant you may feel.
Inquiry is the first step of RCIA. It is a ‘no-obligation, no commitment’ open forum setting where participants are invited to socialize and ask questions about the Catholic faith. All are welcome and it costs nothing but your time.
If you have ‘that feeling’ in the back of your mind that you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith, or you would like to participate fully in the Mass by receiving the Eucharist, then this is the opportunity you have been waiting for; an opportunity for spiritual growth. Take advantage of it.
For more information, contact:
Deacon Mark Chrusciel 269-792-6946